Inspired by a true story, 'Lokkhi Chhele' is a rural tale with global appeal. A newborn with four arms being declared a goddess's incarnation and the celebrations surrounding it compel three medical students to visit the village of Hijalganj. Torn between logic and religion, the film unveils the shackles of superstition while celebrating the power of human belief. The critically-acclaimed drama stars Aditi Marik, Ujaan Ganguly, Ritwika Pal and Purab Seal Acharya.
Inspired by a true story, 'Lokkhi Chhele' is a rural tale with global appeal. A newborn with four arms being declared a goddess's incarnation and the celebrations surrounding it compel three medical students to visit the village of Hijalganj. Torn between logic and religion, the film unveils the shackles of superstition while celebrating the power of human belief. The critically-acclaimed drama stars Aditi Marik, Ujaan Ganguly, Ritwika Pal and Purab Seal Acharya.